Broadcast Jobs

Various: Global: Media Liaison Officer - Internews

Job Vacancy: 
Global: Media Liaison Officer - Internews



Internews will disrupt and mitigate the flow of misleading, inaccurate or malign information for vulnerable populations affected by humanitarian crises during COVID-19, when the accuracy and timeliness of public health information and the quality of communication between communities and the agencies that serve them is vital to health outcomes.

Internews' methodologies are part of the wider humanitarian Community Engagement and Accountability efforts and contribute to Risk Communication & Community Engagement (RCCE) efforts from health and humanitarian partners, by ensuring that community perspectives are captured to inform RCCE strategies and that concerns, rumors and questions are addressed with reliable information that comes from, and is created by, local media or other reliable information providers on a variety of both traditional and social media platforms. This approach galvanizes and supports local media, particularly those trusted and used by vulnerable communities experiencing humanitarian crises, to fully play their role as information providers, as facilitators of conversations within their communities, and as watchdogs and agents of accountability for responders and service providers. Internews will ensure that the work of humanitarian and health organizations is shaped by and responsive to the expressed needs of vulnerable communities and local contexts as the pandemic unfolds.

The Media Liaison Officer will manage relationships between the project and the media in seven focal countries: Lebanon, Philippines, Afghanistan, CAR, Mali, Sudan and Colombia. They will help the project to better understand and respond to the needs of journalists in this crisis in relation to information, content and skills and approaches in combating misinformation.


Global Support: Mentor and support MLOs and partner organizations in seven focal countries. Oversee the production of content and develop opportunities for co-production and repurposing of materials in new languages and contexts. Provide leadership to the team and build systems, processes and reporting procedures to ensure a harmonious approach to content creation, evaluation and storage. Contribute to regional journalist peer-to-peer coordination mechanisms. Track the use of Internews and partner-generated content and information.

Media Training: Design and implement innovative remote training options for journalists to discuss pressing timely issues during the COVID-19 pandemic and to connect journalists with regional humanitarian partners.

Social Media: Oversee the social media platforms for the project including using the forums to share and promote content and resources and to build an active and engaged global community of journalists and other communicators.

Content Production: Produce rapid media context profiles for seven focal countries exploring media platforms, ownership, audience preferences and access issues. Provide media expertise to contribute to Information Ecosystem Analysis activities. Contribute to the production of regular multimedia materials (i.e., blog posts, photos, podcast...), documenting the life of the project for external audiences, as required.
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