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23.02.2023United States: UN Resolution on Ukraine *** ARCHIVE


UNGA Resolution On Ukraine
United Nations, New York | Feb 22-23, 2023

The European Union is circulating the resolution to be voted on by the U.N. General Assembly on the eve of the first anniversary of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. It calls for a cessation of hostilities and a peace that ensures Ukraine’s “sovereignty, independence, unity and territorial integrity.”

There are no vetoes in the 193-member world body, so the resolution is certain to be adopted at the end of a high-level emergency special session of the assembly Feb. 23. But the big question is how many “yes” votes it will get.

The assembly has become the most important U.N. body dealing with Ukraine because the Security Council is paralyzed as a result of Russia’s veto power.

The Associated Press is offering live positions at the UN Headquarters in New York. Additional broadcast facilities are available at AP's bureau in downtown Manhattan.

The debate on the General Assembly resolution starts today Wednesday at 1500ET/2000GMT. There are over 75 speakers and the debate will continue Thursday afternoon at the same time with a vote on the resolution at the end, likely Thursday evening.

AP New York
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