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20.07.2022Sudan: Dozens killed in tribal clashes *** ARCHIVE

One Touch Media

The flames of the tribal conflict that erupted between the Hausa tribe, the Funj tribes, and the Anksana tribes in the state of Blue Nile in southern Sudan, which claimed the lives of hundreds of people from the region, between dead and wounded, spread to the states of Kassala and Al Jazeera, eastern and central Sudan, where supporters of the Hausa tribe residing in that area revolted against the killings and arson to which he was subjected their families in the state of Blue Nile, where they completely burned the government buildings in the state of Kassala and closed a number of roads and bridges in the city, in addition to the city of Wad Madani in the state of Gezira.
The government in Kassala State, similar to Blue Nile State, announced a ban on gatherings and processions in the state.
In Khartoum, the head of the Sudanese Sovereignty Council issued several decisions to restore security in the Blue Nile state, including the formation of an investigation committee into the events and an increase in security deployment to curb the tribal war.
It is noteworthy that the events erupted for the first time in the state of Blue Nile against the background of the Hausa tribe’s claim to civil and administrative rule (semi-local rule), which the indigenous tribes residing in the region considered an infringement of their rights, as they consider that the rule is the preserve of them.

The Hausa tribes (tribes from neighboring Sudan) pointed the finger at the member of the Sudanese Sovereignty Council, head of the popular movement, Malik Agar, of igniting sedition by instructing the Hausa tribes to request local government to serve as a political incubator for the man during the upcoming elections, considering that the latter lost many of its bases due to divisions. carried out within the popular movement.

Observers warn that the civil war in the Blue Nile will extend towards Khartoum and other Sudanese cities for the spread of Hausa tribes there, which will spark a war that may complicate the situation in Sudan and take the country to an unknown fate.

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