C-COM granted US patent for phase shifter technology

 Ottawa, November 2018: C-COM Satellite Systems Inc., the world’s leading provider of commercial grade auto-acquire mobile satellite antenna systems, has announced that it has been granted US patent No. 10,014,563 for its invention of a low cost, low power, and low insertion loss tunable phase shifter technology.

C-COM phased array panel
Ka-band phased array panel
This is the first patent C-COM has been granted and comes as a result of its ongoing research and development of a new Electronically Steerable Ka-band Phased Array Antenna project, which is being developed in partnership with the University of Waterloo under the guidance of Dr. Safieddin (Ali) Safavi-Naeini, director of the Centre for Intelligent Antenna and Radio Systems (CIARS) and with the assistance from the Ontario Centers for Excellence (OCE) and Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC).

This unique low-cost phase shifter is based on an electrically tunable structure using a high dielectric constant material which requires very little power to activate and allows for a fast change of phase with minimal loss over the entire Ka-band frequency range and beyond.

“Our research team is using this new technology to develop its first fully passive phased array antenna made of 4X4 intelligent modules which will be tested early next year,” said Dr. Safieddin Safavi-Naeini, a professor at the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the University of Waterloo. “It opens the way to electronically steerable mobile antennas for both commercial and personal device applications, which are now under development in our lab,” Safavi-Naeini continued.

“This patented invention provides further recognition of the quality of the innovation being carried out by the University of Waterloo’s research team,” said Leslie Klein, President and CEO of C-COM Satellite Systems Inc. “We intend to apply this technology to manufacture the next generation of affordable phased array antennas,” Klein added.


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