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23.01.2017Belgium: Fleming hacks Donald Trump tweet *** ARCHIVE


A 21-year-old ethical hacker in Belgium has managed to hack a tweet sent by US President Donald Trump. The Belgium ethical hacker succeeded in linking a carnival movie “#Trumpvlog in t’Oilsjters (Trump flew in Aalst dialect – Congress in Moscow” to a Trump tweet from 11 April 2012.

Now the US president’s Twitter account is spreading, to his more than 21 million followers, a song about Russian prostitutes that is sung in the local dialect of the East Flemish town of Aalst.

The Belgian ethical hacker went looking for links that no longer load and checked if he could purchase the domain name of the websites.

"With the on-going discussion about fake news, I suddenly though yesterday evening that that it would be good if I could mess with some of Trump’s tweets”, the hacker told.

"I started collecting the links from his messages straight away. While I was laid back having a coffee, I opened all the web address automatically. As soon as I noticed that a website no longer loaded, I checked whether I could purchase the domain name”.

The guy was able to purchase the domain of the National Achievers Congress. It was from this site that he was able to link a YouTube film onto one of President Trump’s tweets. The young hacker says that many more of Donald Trump’s tweets could be hacked in this way.

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