General Information

World map - Detailed maps and driving directions.

Time zone convertor - Find out what time it is anywhere in the world.

ATM locator - Exact location of ATM cash machines in more than 160 countries, includes airports.

Travel vaccinations - Travellers' health and vaccination guide.

Worlwide embassies - Addresses and phone numbers of embassies and consulates.

Visa requirements - Information on visa requirements throughout the world.

World airports - Addresses and phone numbers of world-wide airports.

Airlines in Africa - List of airlines operating in Africa.

First aid - What to do in medical emergencies.

ICRC first aid book - A practical manual of first aid in conflict zones published by the ICRC.

International sports calendar - Key dates of international sporting events.

World election guide - Comprehensive guide to elections around the world.

World political leaders - Directory of political leaders from 1945 - present day

U.K. Defence department media contacts - Includes media operations contacts in Iraq & Afghanistan.

Australian department of defence - Media contacts.

Forward Planning News Events

Global Radio News

Relief Agencies

Reliefweb - Global hub for information on emergencies and natural disasters.

Alert Net - Media contacts of relief organisations and UN agencies around the world.

Actionaid - Media contacts.

MSF - Medicins san Frontieres offices worldwide.

UNICEF - Media contacts and events calendar.

ICRC - Media contacts.

Oxfam - Media contacts.

WFP - Media contacts.


Afghan Airlines - Flights to Kabul

UNAMA - Media contacts for UNAMA & other UN agencies in Afghanistan.

UN Afghanistan news

AREU - Research and evaluation unit extensive Afghan contacts directory.

ISAF - Media registration advice and contact details.

Pamir Airways - Flights to Kabul

Kam Air - Flights to Kabul

Useful Media Contacts


FPA - Useful Israeli and Palestinian contact numbers

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